Today is an ephemeral ghost… A strange amazing day that comes only once every four years. For the rest of the time it does not “exist.” In mundane terms, it marks a “leap” in time, when the calendar is adjusted to make up for extra seconds accumulated over the preceding three years due to the rotation of the earth. A day of temporal tune up! But this day holds another secret—it contains one of those truly rare moments of delightful transience and light uncertainty that only exist on the razor edge of things, along a buzzing plane of quantum probability… A day of unlocked potential. Will you or won’t you? Should you or shouldn’t you? Use this day to do something daring, extraordinary and unlike yourself. Take a chance and shape a different pattern in your personal cloud of probability!
― Vera Nazarian

Happy Leap Day!

Today we started with our 5x tables quiz. Students are now working on their 12x tables, which are the last that we will be working on. After this, we will be working on Multiplication Olympics. Stay tuned for more details!

Students were assigned to new Spelling groups today, based on recent assessment. Check in the front of student agendas to see students new group. That means that we also received new Spelling words:


The Green Group has not been assigned any words this week. This is because I need to complete another assessment with these students to gain some more knowledge about their skills before I assign them to their new group.

Our Healthy Bake Sale today was a success! We have raised $70 so far. Tomorrow we are going to sell our remaining items to see if we can make it to our goal of $100. Remember, friends and family can also donate online at: Spread the word!

In Art today we have moved on to Form. This is an element of Art that we have already begun exploring with our most recent project – using line to make our 2-D trees appear more 3-D. Today we started with changing a 2-D object (paper) into a 3-D object (sculpture). We did some origami! We used the following Art Hub for Kids video to help create some pretty cute origami fish! Check out the pictures below:


Read 20 minutes

Language Arts:

  • Book Club Books – tomorrow!


  • 12x Tables Quiz – Friday


  • Data Analysis/Conclusion Check-In – February 29th
  • Classroom Science Fair – March 7th (Monday!)


  • Home Activity 3B (FRIENDS)

Grade 5/6 Floor Hockey – No Floor Hockey until April

STEM Club – Monday, Thursday 3:00-4:00 pm

Grade 5/6 Basketball – Tuesdays, 3:00-4:00 pm

Students getting ready to buy some healthy treats.
Students getting ready to buy some healthy treats.
We were pretty busy for a little while!
We were pretty busy for a little while!
Posing with Bob for our new Instagram account @bobfrogm
Posing with Bob for our new Instagram account @bobfrogm
Our "Fish in a Tree" inspired Art board.
Our “Fish in a Tree” inspired Art board.
These fish turned out really well!
These fish turned out really well!
They stand out against our trees!
They stand out against our trees!
Students demonstrated a lot of teamwork in helping one another with their  fish.
Students demonstrated a lot of teamwork in helping one another with their fish.