Did You Know…? Handschuhschneeballwe-rfer is German slang for ‘coward’. It means someone who wears gloves to throw snowballs.

Good evening,

A quick post tonight, as we were out skiing today, so there isn’t any news to report. However, check back tomorrow to hear about how we are going to be celebrating Computing Science Education Week in our class!


Read 20 minutes

Angel Tree – gifts due December 8th (TOMORROW!)

Grade 5/6 Floor Hockey – begins Wednesday, 3:00-4:00 pm (forms due ASAP)

Practicing our j-turns!
Practicing our j-turns!
Great job! Keep going!
Great job! Keep going!
We had some snowboarders out today!
We had some snowboarders out today!
Getting ready to ride the carpet!
Getting ready to ride the carpet!
We had a lot of fun spending time together and learning something new today!
We had a lot of fun spending time together and learning something new today!