Good afternoon!

We started off our day with Computers. Students had two tasks that they could complete today. The first was to research an entry for the “Name the Puppy 2014” Contest that the RCMP is currently holding. Students visited websites to research some good names for a German Shepard puppy. The name had to start with G, had to be 9 letters or less, and it could be 1-2 syllables. We had some wonderful suggestions: Garsen, Gable, Gift, Gore, Gunner, Gita, Grace, Garron, etc. Many of the students used the link below to help them find a name. Students also had a small Internet scavenger hunt on the Olympics that they were allowed to complete. The challenge here is in using search engines effectively, which many students found out today can be very tricky.

Today we also made 6 paper mache volcanoes with our Grade 1 buddies. These volcanoes are going to be pained once we return from Teacher’s Convention, and then they are going to be put on display and used during Family Math and Science Night on March 12th. Stay tuned for more details!

Science Fair is rapidly approaching. If you student has yet to choose a Science Fair Project, I strongly suggest looking at it over the coming week. Our classroom fair has been moved. We will be having our classroom fair on March 6th, rather than March 3rd. This gives everyone a little bit more time to return from Teacher’s Convention and to work on any last minute details. Our school fair will then be on March 13th as a result. Students have previously participated in the Science Fair, but sometimes that logbooks can still be tricky. I’m always available to help, and students are encouraged to bring me any questions or concerns that I may be able to answer!

Computer Class Link:


Read 20 minutes

Reading Journal – Ms. B Does the Homework

Wednesday – Snack Shack ($1-$5)

Book Fair – tomorrow during class and during PTIs

Parent-Teacher Interviews – tomorrow and Thursday

Math: pgs. 110-11 #1-3, 5, 6

Unit Test (Thursday)

Electronics Day – Thursday (bring a donation for the Center of Hope)

Valentine’s Party – Friday (bring permission forms!)

Glow-Grams – Wednesday ($1/each)