Did You Know…? ‘Mummy brown’ was a shade of paint made from ground-up Egyptian mummies. It was discontinued after mummies ran out.

Good afternoon,

The Grade 4 students and I continued to practice 3-digit by 1-digit multiplication today. I was excited to see how hard everyone is working! Different students are working on different strategies, but everyone is growing stronger in their skills each day. On Monday we are moving on to division! Below is our summary page highlighting our different strategies:


In Health today, the students and I began working on Session #8. Students are exploring using a “6-Block Method” of problem solving:

  1. Identify the problem.
  2. Brainstorm solutions.
  3. What will happen?
  4. Choose the best solution.
  5. Do it!
  6. Reflect. Did it work?

We read an example of student using this method to help her to decide to go to a friends party that she is nervous about attending. Then we split into groups to practice this method ourselves. The problem? How can you get a balloon from one side of the room to the other, involving your entire group, without using your hands our feet. Today students brainstormed ideas, thought about what might happen with each idea, and then chose the idea that works best for their group. On Tuesday we are going to put our ideas to the test!

In Language Arts today we kept working on our new Book Club book, “The Mouse and the Motorcycle” by Beverly Cleary. Students completed a “Milling to Music” activity with comprehension questions from Chapters 1-2. “Milling to Music” is when students move around the classroom to the beat of the music. While moving, they are welcome to respond to the questions placed around the room. When the music stops, students need to go to the question closest to them. Here they need to discuss the question with their classmates and respond. Students can write their own answer, add details to another answer, or simply show they agree with a check mark, smiley face, etc. We had some wonderful answers to our questions, and this is a fun way to do some reading comprehension while getting up and moving. Next, we read Chapter 3 and did a vocabulary activity on some challenging vocabulary from Chapters 1-3. Students were looking for: jauntily, bellboy, croquet, vacancy, dreadful, threadbare, despair, chromium, incinerator, remorseful, venturing, tourist, and predicament. Students work in groups to locate the word and then use evidence from the text to try and determine the word’s meaning. We had 2 groups who were successful in locating all of the words. Well done!

In Science today, the Grade 5 students continued to separate mixtures of solids and solids. All the mixtures we used today were mechanical mixtures. Last class we used a sieve. Today we practiced using a magnet, water, and we discussed how we could use air to separate a a mixture of two solids. You can see our examples below:

Science1 Science2

The Grade 4 students completed their posters warning others to be careful in the sun and to protect their eyes. Next, I challenged students to come up with as many things as they could that was able to produce it’s own light. We had one group who came up with 58! Next class we are going to be categorizing our lists. Are any of the objects luminescent? Are any actually reflecting light not producing light? Stay tuned!


Read 20 minutes

Language Arts:

  • Mouse and the Motorcycle – Chapter 3


  • Gr. 4 – pg. 298 #8, 9, Reflection

Grade 5/6 Floor Hockey – Wednesdays 3:00-4:00 pm

Floor Hockey Tournament – May 6th-7th

STEM Club – Mondays, Thursdays 3:00-4:00 pm

Book Orders – April 28th

Spring Picture Day – April 27th

Harry Potter Day – Monday! (pajamas, snacks, etc.)

Yearbook Orders – extended until April 28th

We were listening to some Jazz as we moved around the room.
We were listening to some Jazz as we moved around the room.
Students are able to stop and add an answer or detail.
Students are able to stop and add an answer or detail.
Students are also able to agree with an answer that is already recorded.
Students are also able to agree with an answer that is already recorded.
Or simply read what others are sharing.
Or simply read what others are sharing.
Lots of people agreed with Alex's statement!
Lots of people agreed with Alex’s statement!
Great work everyone!
Great work everyone!