Did You Know…? The term ‘geek’ originally referred to circus performers who bit the heads off live chickens.

Good evening,

The Grade 4 students have now completed their current Math unit – Data Analysis. They will be reviewing in class over the next 3 days and will be bring home review work. Students should also be reviewing by using their Mathletics accounts (see student Agendas for passwords). Finally, click on the Math page (side links) to download extra workbooks for this unit, for those who are interested. Our unit test will be on Monday, September 28th.

In Language Arts today, we reviewed proper nouns. To do this, we did a quick Café activity. Each table was given a topic. Together, they had to come up with as many proper nouns as they could for that topic. Then, after two minutes, they switched tables. Students continued to rotate until they had completed all of the topics. Finally, each group was given back one of the topic sheets. Together they had to edit the sheet; looking for missing capitalize or eliminating words that didn’t belong or were not specific enough to be proper nouns.

In Social Studies, we reviewed longitude and latitude. Students rewatched the following video (which I promised to post):

We also played Battleship once again, in order to get more practice giving directions on a grid and using our cardinal directions. We will be moving on to the provinces, territories, and capitals next!

In Computers today, students were asked to utilize their Mathletics accounts. Each grade was assigned 2 activities from their current unit. I will be assigning activities periodically each week for the remainder of the school year. It is a good idea for students to use their Mathletics at home a minimum of 2-3 times per week. Mathletics is directly linked to our curriculum and is a great way to provide students with extra review, support, as well as extensions to their current knowledge/learning.

In French today we learned a new sentence starter… “Est-ce que je peux…” which means “Can I?” in English. To practice, we learned some common sentences that begin with “Est-ce que”:


The powerpoint (with voice clips) that we used today, as well as a summary page have been posted on the French page (side links).

Finally, today students were given their first set of spelling words for the year. To begin the year, students will be receiving 10 spelling words per week. As we progress, this will increase. Students are asked to review their spelling words at home each night. We will be having in-class spelling tests each Friday that we have school. This means that sometimes students will have 2 weeks instead of 1 to work with a particular list. Another great place to practice is Spelling City (https://www.spellingcity.com/missbtimberlea/). Students can search my name or Timberlea School in order to get access to our weekly spelling words. This week we are focusing on words that end with -er, -re, and -est. The words are: adventures, dentures, nearest, dearest, venture, nature, tender, enter, tuner, and tune.


Read 20 minutes

Practice Spelling Words

Math: Data Analysis Unit Test (Mon. – Grade 4), Review Math (Grade 5)

Terry Fox Walk/Donations – September 29th

Book Orders – Sept. 25th

Our review of proper nouns.
Our review of proper nouns.
This topic was team names.
This topic was team names.
This topic was city names.
This topic was city names.
This topic was languages.
This topic was languages.
This topic was other proper nouns. You can see where the students were editing each topic.
This topic was other proper nouns. You can see where the students were editing each topic.