Did You Know…? If every vampire fed once a month and turned their victim into a vampire, all humans would be vampires within two and a half years.

Good evening,

Today students continued to work on our Math tessellations that we began earlier in January. Students finished their tessellation using a multiplication fact. Other students worked on creating tessellations using division facts. Check out the pictures below to see samples of some of our work! Remember, students have a Math test on Monday. Please ensure that your student finds time to review this weekend. They can study in one of the following ways:

In Science today students worked in groups to build circuits. We were testing different configurations of circuits to determine whether or not we had built a complete circuit. To do this we used a lightbulb, a wire, and a 1.5 V battery. What we discovered is that the circuit is complete if the negative terminal is connected to the positive terminal of the battery. However, they have to be connected using a conductor of electricity! For the lightbulb to light up, it must be part of this complete circuit. This means that we have to properly connect the lightbulb at both the threaded metal base and the lead tip. Want to keep practicing at home? You can use the program that I used on the board in class by clicking on the following link: http://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/circuit-construction-kit-dc .

Our classroom will be having a Valentine’s celebration on Thursday of next week (February 12th). We will be having a small classroom party. Students are welcome, but do not have to, bring valentines cards on Thursday, but please ensure that students bring enough to include everyone in our classroom. We have 26 students in our classroom, and students took home a list of first names today. On Monday we will be learning some Valentine’s related French vocabulary and making French valentines. Thursday morning we will be doing some Valentine’s themed Language Arts and Math activities. Thursday afternoon we will be having some healthy snacks and watching a movie. We are having a small classroom challenge to see which student can prepare the most creative healthy snack. For some ideas and suggestions see the links below or visit my Pinterest Board (https://www.pinterest.com/arb5/school-parties/) or the Timberlea Pinterest Page (https://www.pinterest.com/timberleaschool/). Please do not feel that students need to bring in something on Thursday, they do not. I’ve also provided a list of potential movies that we may be watching, they are: The Thief and the Cobbler, The Pebble and the Penguin, Shrek, and The Tale of Despereaux. If you have a strong preference for one of the movies or would prefer that your student does NOT watch one of the above, please let me know as soon as possible and I will plan accordingly.


Read 20 minutes


  • Math Help – Wednesdays from 3:00 – 4:00 pm
  • Practice multiplication (mastering 2x, 4x, and 8x tables)
  • Unit Test (Monday)
  • Pgs. 110-11 #1-3, 5, 6


  •  Science Fair Check-in (Data Collection) – Thursday
  • Classroom Science Fair – March 3rd


  • Clothing Assignment (Monday)

Parent-Teacher Interviews – February 11th and 12th (register at http://timberlea.fmpsdschools.ca/)

Book Fair – February 9th-12th

Valentine’s Celebration – February 12th

Our completed Math tessellations.
Our completed Math tessellations.
Can you spot the hidden Math facts?
Can you spot the hidden Math facts?
Etsy - https://www.etsy.com/listing/122287423/monkey-love-craft-set-fold-over
Etsy – https://www.etsy.com/listing/122287423/monkey-love-craft-set-fold-over
The Cooker's Blog: http://thecookersblog.blogspot.ca/2010/01/cookers-blog-valentine-healthy-treats.html
The Cooker’s Blog – http://thecookersblog.blogspot.ca/2010/01/cookers-blog-valentine-healthy-treats.html
Daily Fix - http://dailyfix.co.za/recipes/blueberry-frozen-yoghurt/
Daily Fix – http://dailyfix.co.za/recipes/blueberry-frozen-yoghurt/
Apron Strings - http://www.apronstringsblog.com/valentine-week-begins-my-heart-beets-for-you-roasted-beet-salad/
Apron Strings – http://www.apronstringsblog.com/valentine-week-begins-my-heart-beets-for-you-roasted-beet-salad/
Servicer's Web - http://servicersweb.com/healthy-valentines-day-snacks/
Servicer’s Web – http://servicersweb.com/healthy-valentines-day-snacks/
Creekside Learning - http://creeksidelearning.com/valentine-projects-at-the-studio/
Creekside Learning – http://creeksidelearning.com/valentine-projects-at-the-studio/
It's the Little Things - http://itsthelittlethingsthatmakeahouseahome.blogspot.ca/2011/02/l-o-v-e.html
It’s the Little Things – http://itsthelittlethingsthatmakeahouseahome.blogspot.ca/2011/02/l-o-v-e.html
Clean and Sensible - http://www.cleanandscentsible.com/2014/01/healthy-valentines-day-food-ideas.html
Clean and Sensible – http://www.cleanandscentsible.com/2014/01/healthy-valentines-day-food-ideas.html
Teaching Mommies - http://teachingmommies.blogspot.ca/2013/01/healthy-valentines-day-treats-for.html
Teaching Mommies – http://teachingmommies.blogspot.ca/2013/01/healthy-valentines-day-treats-for.html