Good afternoon!

Today we started off with some Math review. We have been working really hard at reviewing the concepts from this current unit. A few days ago I wrote about using skip counting to help with multiplication. Today I want to review related facts. Students have been practicing using a familiar multiplication fact, and using it to find the related multiplication and division facts. Something like this:

I know that 5 x 7 = 35…

So… 7 x 5 = 35

35 ÷ 7 = 5

35 ÷ 5 = 7

If I know one fact, I actually know four facts!

We have also been reviewing our doubling and halving strategies. This is the strategy that seems to be the most confusing for some students. Here is an example from our textbook of doubling:

Math - Dec. 18 

So… If you know 2 x 6 = 12, you can use that fact to discover another multiplication fact. Like this:

2 x 6 = 12

I can double the 2 to 4…

4 x 6 = __

Well… since I doubled 2 to 4, I can double the product of 12 to 24…

4 x 6 = 24

When I double a factor (like 2) if I double the product (12) I have a new multiplication fact! If I know 2 x 6 = 12 then I know that 4 x 6 = 24!

4 x 6 = 24

I can double the 4 to 8…

8 x 6 = __

Well… since I doubled 4 to 8, I can double the product of 24 to 48…

8 x 6 = 48

If I know 4 x 6 = 24 then I know that 8 x 6 = 48!

Halving is a strategy that works VERY similarly to our doubling strategy and requires students using the same set of skills. Take a look at our example:

Math - Dec. 18-2 

If I want to solve 64 ÷ 4…

Well… I know that 4 = 2 x 2

So… I could solve 64 ÷ 2…

64 ÷ 2 = 32

And then divide by 2 again…

32 ÷ 2 = 16

This will give me the answer of 64 ÷ 4…

64 ÷ 4 = 16

Again, it is important that students have a strong understanding of their multiplication and division facts in order to help them succeed in this unit. Please be reviewing our multiplication facts at home as much as possible. Our next quiz is on Friday and we will be covering the 2 x and 10 x tables.

Our classroom also was lucky enough to win the Division 2 Door Decorating Contest! Our students all worked so hard on the door and it turned out so beautifully! Thank you everyone for all the effort that you put in over the last few weeks. We are going to be having our own special DPA session with the Gr. 6 Sports Leaders as our prize! Stay tuned for more details… Want to see the door? Check out our earlier posts or visit our classroom Twitter page:

Our Winter Concert is tonight. The concert itself will start promptly at 7:00 pm, but the doors to the school are going to open at 6:30 pm. Please have students here at this time. Students are going to be meeting me in Mrs. Leckie’s classroom (our Grade 1 buddies). They are allowed to bring technology to use while we are waiting to perform. We are also asking parents to please attend the entire concert if possible. We understand that Fort McMurray is a busy community and that we all have things to do in the evenings to prepare for the next day, but our concert will only be an hour and a half. Last night the concert was finished around 8:00 pm. It is very disruptive to have parents leaving during the concert, as the next class is often unnecessarily interrupted by these exits. Noise in our atrium makes it very difficult for parents and family in the gym to hear their own students perform. We also want ALL of our students to have an audience to perform to. It is disappointing for the students to see an empty gym near the end of the concert. If you are interested in purchasing an SPCA calendar, you can do so in our multi-purpose room.


Read 20 minutes

Library Books – due tomorrow!

Multiplication Quiz – 10 x, 2 x (Friday)

Mathletics – 10 minutes

L.A. – Word Practice

Ski Day – Feb. 6th

Emergency Blankets

Science: RAFT Rough Copies

Winter Concert – tonight (see above) 

Permission Forms – ASAP

Winter Celebration – tomorrow afternoon (bring snacks if you wish!)