Good evening!

What a great day we had. We started off by going to computers and using the Mathletics. We are about to start and new unit in Math (Multiplication and Division) and the Mathletics is a great tool for me to use. I’m able to see from some of the completed activities today were student strengths and weaknesses are, and make some decisions right away about how to direct student learning, building our small groups, planning interventions, etc. Students were very patient today with the internet. It was slower than we usually have to deal with, but everyone was able to get logged on in the end and work on some questions.

In French today we started discussing how to tell time. We started off with this cute video:

Students enjoy this video because it is so silly, but it is a great introduction to what we are going to be continuing to focus on. Today we discussed the structure and practiced telling time a little bit. In French we do not write the time the same way we would in English.

Eg. 1:00 becomes 1h00

We also use the 24-hour clock most of the time in French. This means that students will need to practice using larger numbers this year! We practiced numbers up to 30 last week, but we will be adding numbers up to 60 next week.

Eg. 1:oo pm becomes 13h00

In French, we always start with “Il est…” to say the time. We also state the hours first and then the minutes.

Eg. 1h00 is pronounced Il est une heure.

When we are adding the minutes, they come after the hour. Also, watch out for the number of hours! More than one hour should be a plural word!

Eg. 2h05 is pronounced Il est deux heures cinq.

If we are discussing a quarter past the hour, we can say it two different ways. We can say it is 15 minutes or it is a quarter.

Eg. 3h15 is pronounced Il est trois heures quinze.

       OR Il est trois heures et quart.

If we are discussing half past the hour, we can also say it two different ways. we can say it is 30 minutes or it is half.

Eg. 4h30 is pronounced Il est quatre heures trente.

OR Il est quatre heures et demie.

If we are discussing quarter to the hour, we can say it three different ways. We  can say it is 45 minutes, it is 15 minutes less than the hour, or it is a quatre less than the hour.

Eg. 5h45 is pronounced Il est cinq heures quarante-cinq.

OR Il est six heures moins le quinze.

OR Il est six heures moins le quart.

We also learned that noon is midi and that in the morning (a.m.) is du matin. We will be continuing with telling time this week and next week. We will then be applying this knowledge to be able to help us plan a school schedule.


Read 20 minutes

Math: Unit #2 Review Book (Friday)

Mathletics – 10 minutes

Social: Placemat (Monday)

Ski Days: Dec. 4th and Feb. 6th

Emergency Blankets

Report Card Slips – ASAP