“To have great poets, there must be great audiences”

                       – Walt Whitman

Good afternoon! What a great day. The Gr. 4 students have finished their unit on Measurement. They have been asked to complete their review questions for homework tonight, that way if they struggle with a question or want to review a concept, we will have time to get together before their unit test (on April 10th). The Gr. 5 students began to study the connection between capacity and volume. We will be continuing to look at this lesson tomorrow.

In Science, the Gr. 4’s examined compound machines. A compound machine is made up of 2 or more simple machines. We looked at a bike, and a lawn mower, and labelled the simple machines present. Students were then asked to find 2 compound machines from a magazine and create a compound machine collage. Students were also asked to label the simple machines that existed in their compound machine. Tomorrow we will be completing this unit by reviewing some concepts, and getting to play a review game! The Gr. 5 students started to study electromagnets. We demonstrated how an electromagnet works, and worked together to create the strongest electromagnet possible. We discovered that copper wire, thick wire, and multiple loops will create a strong electromagnet. Want to experiment some more at home? Check out the link below for an online electromagnet!


In Language Arts today we completed our spoken words poems. Students worked extremely hard on this difficult activity. They were asked to write a small story/paragraph about what they know (using our lists from yesterday). Then, using the skills we learned when we created found poems, turn your writing into a poem. Students did a wonderful job, and thanks to everyone who was brave enough to share their poem with the class. Snaps to all of you! If you want to share your poem tomorrow, we will also have some time then.

Homework: Read 20 minutes

                         Math: Gr. 4- pgs. 166-167 #1-16

                                      Gr. 5 – Lessons 9 + 10 (Extra Workbook)

                         Health: Home Activities (due tomorrow!)

                        Social: Regions Project (due April 9th)

                        French: Quiz (tomorrow!)

                        Science: Projects due (April 15th)

                        Book Orders – March 28th

                        MI Permission Forms – tomorrow please!

Our electromagnet!