One more day until Winter Break!

Today we were busy, but we also got a lot done. We started our morning off by going to the gym for some Christmas carolling. The students did a great job! They were respectful, sang their best, and set a great example for the younger students. It was a really nice, fun way to start off the day!

We then returned to class to write our unit test. Thank you to everyone for all their hard work throughout this unit. I can’t wait to come back in January and start Simple Machines!

This afternoon we helped our Grade 1 buddy classroom to decorate gingerbread houses and gingerbread men. This was a lot of fun, and it meant a lot to the Grade 1 students. We were also able to give our Grade 1 buddies the ornaments that we made them last week (the snowflakes). They were happy to get a gift from all of you, and I know how hard all of you work to be patient with and to help your buddies all year long. They love it, and they love you guys. Even during carolling today they kept turning around to wave hello! 

In Language Arts this afternoon we discussed similes and metaphors! This is a concept that we are going to continue to discuss as we learn to add more description to our writing, and in our upcoming poetry unit. Today students listed to the song “You’re A Mean One, Mister Grinch” and were challenged to find all the similes and metaphors hidden in the song. There are a lot!

Eg. You have all the tender sweetness of a seasick crocodile.

Last day tomorrow! Please remember to bring snacks if you’ve signed up, and please remember to consider our food allergies. No peanut products of any kind will be allowed, and that includes products that were not baked in a peanut free facility. Students are also invited to wear their pyjamas and to bring along pillows and blankets. We are going to be watching “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” because we only have two pages left in the the book to read aloud during snack tomorrow morning!

Homework: Multiplication quiz (4s and 9s)

                         Read for 20 minutes

                         Math: Gr. 4 – pgs. 100 #1-7, 9

                                      Gr. 5 – pgs 90-91 #1-7, 10-12

                         Science – Climate Project (January 10th)

P.S. I wish I had a picture of your gingerbread men to post, but unfortunately by the time I got back from my meeting, all that we had left was crumbs!