Good afternoon!

Only 3 more school days until break! This week is just going to fly by!

Today finished our Weather Watch unit. We discovered that sand heats up much quicker than water, but that it also cools down much quicker than water. This led us to discuss the difference between a land breeze and a sea breeze. We also reviewed the Greenhouse Effect. This was a topic that we briefly discussed during Waste in Our World. We were reminded about what clear cutting was, and the effects of burning fossil fuels. We also discussed the difference between the Greenhouse Effect occurring naturally, and when pollution causes this effect to be accelerated.

In Language Arts we wrote a small quiz on verbs, nouns, end punctuation, and topic sentences. We will of course continue to discuss these important grammar concepts throughout the year, but today was a way for me to get a better understanding of where students are in their understanding.

We also had the opportunity to watch some of the other Division 2 concert performances today. There was a concert rehearsal in the gym, and we were able to see the performance before our own, as well as a number of the performances that will follow us. Tomorrow night we will be meeting in Rm. 167 (Ms. Rose’s classroom), and the students WILL all know where that is before tomorrow night (we are going to visit tomorrow). The doors do not open until 6:30 pm, and the concert will begin around 7:00 pm.

Homework: Multiplication quiz – 4s and 9s times tables (Thursday)

                         Read 20 minutes (NO Reading Journal this week)

                         NO Spelling this week

                         Math: Gr. 4 – pg. 100 #1-4

                         Science: Climate Project – January 10th

                                           Unit Test – Wednesday (study guide went home today!)

                         Winter Concert – tomorrow @ 7:00 pm

We will also be having a small classroom celebration before we go our separate ways for the holidays. Thursday afternoon we are going to have a pyjama party. Feel free to wear your pyjamas to school, bring blankets, pillows, stuffed toys, and we will be watching a movie together, and playing some games. If you would like to bring a snack to school, please return the form sent home today, and please pay special consideration to the listed allergies. Thanks!