Good evening!
We had a very busy, but a very productive day. In Language Arts today we returned to our Pink Grammar Books, to discuss Verbs in Verse. Students were asked to look at a verse, underline the verbs, and use the word choice skills we have been practicing in descriptive writing to choose a more interested verb. For example: changing moved to: wiggled, rolled, shimmied, sauntered, squirmed, etc. Then students were challenged to write their own verse! This is something that we will be doing more and more of in the upcoming weeks, as we will be participating in the Regional Municipality’s “Words in Motion” contest. More information to come.
In Science we reviewed the concept of precipitation today. In our “I Can” statements, students have been struggling to differentiate between sleet, snow, and hail. Today, students worked in groups to write a song about a specific type of precipitation. We learned that snowflakes are made under pressure, that the wind keeps pushing the hail up, that sleet is rain that passes the freezing point, and that “rain is just water, it could fall on Harry Potter”. All the groups did a great job, and hopefully some of these silly songs will help use to recall this information more effectively in the future.
Today in Social we discussed some of the animal life of the Rocky Mountain region. Students watched two short videos: GOat Sheep Goat, and G-Bear and B-Bear, and then we imagined (using the iformation that we gathered yesterday) that we had visited the parks. Students were asked to describe their trip in a journal entry that is due on Monday. Check out the videos at these links:
We also added 6 new literacy centers to our classrooms today! They are: Fiction/Non-Fiction Reading, Buddy Reading, I Have… Who Has?, Classroom Journals, First Steps, and Science/Social. To prevent today’s blog from being extremely long, I will add more information about our new centers on another day.
Homework: Multiplication Test (2 times tables)
Spelling Test (tomorrow!)
Reading Journal (tomorrow!)
Read 20 minutes
Math: Gr. 4 – pg. 92 #1-7
Gr. 5 – pg. 82 #1-13
Social: Journal Entry (Monday)
Health: FRIENDS 2A + 2B
Language Arts: Pink Books (tomorrow)
Family Movie Night (tomorrow) @ 7:00 – Arthur Christmas