It’s hard to believe that tomorrow will be September 20th! This first month of school has just flown by!

Today we got the opportunity to participate in our literacy centers for the first time! We have done many of the centers together as a class over the last two weeks, but today students were able to explore the centers as a group. Some of our centers for this month include: Madlibs, Add-on Stories, Personal Predictions, Cover Art, and Math Equation Match. There are 11 centers all together, and students will be working away at them for the remainder of the month.

Today in Social we had the opportunity to discuss some of the important features of the Grassland Region of Alberta. Students discussed the importance of bodies of water, and the effects that climate has on the region. In order to better understand this topic, we are currently measuring our water usage. Students are tracking approximately how much water they use in a day. This will enable us to discuss water sources in a much clearer fashion. It also has great ties to our current Science unit!

In continuing to develop our writing this month, today we reviewed the parts of a sentence. We have been working towards writing better paragraphs, starting with the topic sentence, and moving on to the body of the paragraph. Students have been doing great things with focusing on a specific topic, but today we broke the sentences up into even smaller pieces. We looked specifically at the nouns, pronouns, adjectives, and verbs of the sentences. Students will continue to work with these grammar concepts throughout the rest of this unit.

Don’t forget that tomorrow is a Science Walk Day! Please make sure that students are dressed appropriately for the lovely fall weather that we are having.

Homework: Email Request

                        Read for 20 minutes

                        Reading Journal (Friday)

                        Spelling Test (Friday)

                        Math: Grade 4 – pg. 1-2 in Purple Review Booklet

                                     Grade 5 – pg. 27 #1-4

                        Science: Waste in Our World Goals (Friday)

                        L.A. – Nouns (both pages in pink booklet)

                        Social – Water Recording

                        Terry Fox Permission Forms (Sept. 27)

                        Rock Star Day Tomorrow! (food bank donations are welcome)

Have a nice night, see you all bright and early for our 8:30 am assembly tomorrow. Remember to dream about our keeping the beat for our cheer tomorrow!

We’ve started reading “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” in Read-Aloud!