Happy Monday!

Today sure felt like a Monday here in 4/5 N. We were VERY busy. We started out our day by comparing some of the packaging examples that students brought from home. Specifically we were looking for things that were necessary vs. things that were wasteful. We also considered whether or not our packaging was natural, recyclable, or non-recyclable. In order to better communicate some of our ideas, we did a quick think, pair, share on the packaging items. Students thought (quietly, to themselves) about the item they brought in. Then students pair with another student to share their thoughts. Finally we come back together as a whole class, and students are welcome to share some of their conclusions with the class.

We also completed a brand new “Making Words” activity today. Our spelling words selected from the activity will be: advertisement, driven, drive, meaner, mean, neatest, meanest, neat, misread, and mistreat. We also examined words that end in -est today. As a class we came up with these rules for adding -est:

  • Usually, the first word does not change (eg. neatest, meanest)
  • You cannot have a word end in -yest, change it to -iest (eg. meatiest)
  • When you have word that ends in a vowel + consonant pair (eg. ig), you need to double the consonant (eg. biggest vs. bigest)

We also discussed how -est changes the word, and decided that -est “makes the first word mean more”. Eg. neatest – more neat than neat.

We also had another classroom meeting today. During our meeting we discussed the tribes agreement of “Right to Pass”. We discussed the difference between participation and choosing to pass, and what passing might look like in our classroom. We decided that if you have a reason to pass (eg. don’t know, not comfortable) you can just say “pass”. However, we all should be doing or best to participate whenever possible. We also decided to make Monday from 2:20-2:40 pm, “Catch-up Monday”. Students will be allowed to work on unfinished work, art, organizing their desks, and their homework during this time. The initial suggestion was for a “Catch-up Friday”, but unfortunately our Friday was too busy to add to. As a class we decided to try “Catch-up Monday” for the next 3 Mondays, and then to review it as a class at another classroom meeting.

Homework: Email Request

                        Read 20 minutes

                        Reading Journal (due Friday)

                        Spelling Test (Friday)

                        Math: Grade 4, pg. 24 #1-6

                                     Grade 5, pg. 24-25 #1-9

                        Tuesday is Pajama Day! (food bank donations)

                        Science Permission Forms (MUST come back tomorrow)

Please keep in mind that although tomorrow is pyjama day, we are also going on our first Science walk tomorrow, and that students should dress appropriately. Have a lovely evening!