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December 2nd

Did You Know…? Fruit flies go to sleep every night.

Good evening,

Just two quick announcements tonight. The first is about our annual Christmas door decorating contest. The students and I discussed doing a “recycled” theme door today. Below are pictures that we found that we will be using for inspiration. Students are particularly interested in the water bottle penguins, the recycled box trees, and the pop can trees, but we want to build as much of it as possible. Take a look at the photos tonight and please feel free to send to school any items that you feel that we could use to build our door. We will be starting next week and the contest ends Tuesday, December 16th.

My Classroom Ideas: http://www.myclassroomideas.com/holidays-recycled-classroom-door-idea/
My Classroom Ideas: http://www.myclassroomideas.com/holidays-recycled-classroom-door-idea/
Paging Supermom: http://pagingsupermom.com/2011/12/recycled-christmas-village/
Paging Supermom: http://pagingsupermom.com/2011/12/recycled-christmas-village/
Princess Pinky Girl: http://princesspinkygirl.com/cute-easy-holiday-decorations/
Princess Pinky Girl: http://princesspinkygirl.com/cute-easy-holiday-decorations/
Unknown: http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/originals/97/11/1b/97111bff1fdd46079cc97448d564f47b.jpg
Unknown: http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/originals/97/11/1b/97111bff1fdd46079cc97448d564f47b.jpg
Sugar Aunts: http://www.sugaraunts.com/2013/12/fine-motor-egg-carton-christmas-tree.html
Sugar Aunts: http://www.sugaraunts.com/2013/12/fine-motor-egg-carton-christmas-tree.html

We will be travelling to Vista Ridge tomorrow for our first ski day. Students will leave school around 8:50 am, and will return before dismissal at the end of the day. Please send your student prepared to go skiing. They will need ski pants, a warm jacket, hats, mittens, extra socks, etc. The school will update the website/facebook page with the status of the ski trip as soon as they are able, however, it is best to come prepared for the trip to occur as planned, as there will be very little time for last minute items to be delivered to the school.

Students who are planning to bring their own equipment are asked to drop it off at the front of the school tomorrow morning, just outside the front doors. The equipment will be transferred to the hill by vehicle, as it cannot be taken on the bus. If you are available to help transport equipment to the ski hill, please let us know as soon as possible so that the required arrangements can be made.

Parents who would like to chaperon this event are welcome to do so. We will be leaving school around 8:50 am. Parents will be unable to take the bus with us to the ski hill because we are transporting 3 full Grade 5 classes on that day. Parent volunteers will need to travel to the hill in their own vehicles, as the buses will be very crowded. Parents are welcome to ski with their student throughout the day. Please let me know if you are interested in volunteering, and I will provide you with more information.

Finally, please send your student prepared for the Ski Trip to be postponed. We do ask that students still bring all of their school materials as well as a lunch. That way, if the trip needs to be postponed due to weather, students are able to take part in our regular activities with minimal disruptions to our day. School materials can easily be left in student desks/lockers if we are travelling to the ski hill. Many families choose to allow students to purchase lunch/snack items at the ski hill. While this is allowed, it is not recommended and please send students with a packed lunch. That way, students will not go without lunch if the trip needs to be postponed. It will also increase the amount of time your student is able to be active and ski if the trip goes ahead, as they will not have to waste any time waiting in line, etc. at lunch time.


Read 20 minutes

Language Arts: Tower Book Report (December 17th)


  • Unit 1 Test – signed and returned (ASAP)
  • Practice Multiplication (see individual goal sheets)

French: Clothing Quiz – Monday, December 8th

Health: FRIENDS Home Activity 1A (December 8th)

Science: Water, Clouds, and Precipitation Quiz – Friday

Christmas Concert – December 11th @ 6:30 pm (Donations to Breakfast Program welcome)

Skiing – tomorrow!

Angel Tree Donations – accepted until December 8th (ask Ms. B for more information about getting an Angel Ticket)

December 1st

Did You Know…? Laughing is a sign of aggression in parrots.

Good evening,

Today we began our multiplication and division unit in Math. As today was an introduction to some of the concepts that we are going to be studying, students did not work on any practice questions in class, as per our usual Day 1 schedule. We will be having a modified schedule for the remainder of the week, and will be only completing one lesson in class this week. Today, students reviewed the following terms: product, factor, and related facts. Students were reminded that if they know one multiplication fact, they actually know four facts. For example,

If I know 3 x 5 = 15

Then I also know 5 x 3 = 15

As well as 15 ÷ 3 = 5

And 15 ÷ 5 = 3

We also previewed some of the strategies that we will be learning this week. We looked at skip counting, using benchmarks, doubling, using related facts, etc. Tomorrow we will begin looking at these strategies more in depth. We will also begin something known as Math Olympics tomorrow. Students will be working on practicing their basic multiplication facts each Day 2 of our regular Math schedule. Students will be practicing different multiplication facts based on their various areas of need. Look in the student duotang at the end of the week for more information on the facts that your student should be practicing at home. Want to start practicing right now? Use your mathletics.

We will be travelling to Vista Ridge on Wednesday, December 3rd for our first ski day. Students will leave school around 8:50 am on Wednesday, and will return before dismissal at the end of the day. Please send your student prepared to go skiing on Wednesday. They will need ski pants, a warm jacket, hats, mittens, extra socks, etc. The school will update the website/facebook page with the status of the ski trip as soon as they are able, however, it is best to come prepared for the trip to occur as planned, as there will be very little time for last minute items to be delivered to the school.

Students who are planning to bring their own equipment are asked to drop it off at the front of the school Wednesday morning, just outside the front doors. The equipment will be transferred to the hill by vehicle, as it cannot be taken on the bus. If you are available on Wednesday to help transport equipment to the ski hill, please let us know as soon as possible so that the required arrangements can be made.

Parents who would like to chaperon this event are welcome to do so. We will be leaving school around 8:50 am. Parents may take the bus with us to the ski hill, but because we are transporting 3 full Grade 5 classes on that day, if possible it is recommended that parent volunteers travel to the hill in their own vehicles, as the buses can be very crowded. Parents are welcome to ski with their student throughout the day. Please let me know if you are interested in volunteering on December 3rd, and I will provide you with more information.

Finally, please send your student prepared for the Ski Trip to be postponed on Wednesday. We do ask that students still bring all of their school materials as well as a lunch on Wednesday. That way, if the trip needs to be postponed due to weather, students are able to take part in our regular activities with minimal disruptions to our day. School materials can easily be left in student desks/lockers if we are travelling to the ski hill. Many families choose to allow students to purchase lunch/snack items at the ski hill. While this is allowed, please send students with a packed lunch also. That way, students will not go without lunch on Wednesday if the trip needs to be postponed. It will also increase the amount of time your student is able to be active and ski if the trip goes ahead, as they will not have to waste any time waiting in line, etc. at lunch time.


Read 20 minutes

Language Arts: Tower Book Report (December 17th)

Math: Unit 1 Test – signed and returned (ASAP)

French: Clothing Quiz – Monday, December 8th

Health: FRIENDS Home Activity 1A (December 8th)

Christmas Concert – December 11th @ 6:30 pm (Donations to Breakfast Program welcome)

Skiing – December 3rd (Wednesday)

Angel Tree Donations – accepted until December 8th (ask Ms. B for more information about getting an Angel Ticket)

We also started a new region of Canada today - the Great Lakes/St. Lawrence Region!
We also started a new region of Canada today – the Great Lakes/St. Lawrence Region!
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